Would you like to start a career in programming? Are you willing to dedicate 6-9 months to studying web development related technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL and others)? Are you also willing to teach at least 2 other young students from a voluntary organisation in your area after one year of learning programming? Do you have good English-speaking skills and a good internet connection which supports Skype video calls? If your answer is yes to all of the above questions then you've come to the right place because the experienced programmers from our group will voluntarily teach you in weekly mentoring sessions all that you need to know in order to land your first job as a web developer.

Furthermore, we'll teach you how to use your mind in the most efficient way possible while learning programming and how to feel good again whenever you get into any negative emotional states, all in one single month. The benefits of enjoying the learning process cannot be overstated: you'll be orders of magnitude more focused and confident, you'll come up with a lot more ideas and solutions to the challenges that you'll encounter and you'll get a tremendous energy boost in achieving your goal of becoming a programmer.